馬偕在《台灣遙記》(From Far Formosa)中曾生動描述博物館中的收藏:「我在淡水的研究室和博物館是對學生開放的,作為他們的學習資源。經過23年的累積,目前研究室的設備算是齊全,有書籍、地圖、地球儀、繪圖、顯微鏡、望遠鏡、萬花筒、立體鏡、照相機、磁鐵、電池和其他化學儀器;此外還有無數可以用來解說地質學、礦物學、植物學和動物學的標本。……屋內的另一個房間作為博物館;這個房間裡放有大量的收藏品,包括各類可以想到的、有趣的漢人、平埔番或生番使用的物品。藏品中包含有各種貝殼、海綿或珊瑚,都經過分類整理並有說明;此外也保存有各式各樣的蛇類和昆蟲標本。其中偶像的數量多到可以塞滿一整間廟,另外有祖先牌位、宗教儀式用具、樂器、道士袍服等與偶像一起換來的東西;以及農具模型和戰爭使用的武器等。」(Mackay 1896:288)
In MacKay’s book “From Far Formosa: the island, its people and missions,” he vividly describes his collections in the museum:
My own study and museum in Tamsui are open to the students, and good use has been made of their resources. After twenty-three years of accumulation the study is well furnished, having books, maps, globes, drawings, microscopes, telescope, kaleidoscope, stereoscope, camera, magnets, galvanic batteries and other chemical apparatus, as well as innumerable specimens illustrative of geology, mineralogy botany and zoology. What would be otherwise a parlor is in our house a museum. In that room is a vast collection of every conceivable kind of article of use or interest to Chinese, Pe-po-hoan, or savage. There are collections of marine shells, sponges, and corals of various kinds, classified and labeled. All sorts of serpents, worms, and insects are preserved. There are idols enough to stock a temple, ancestral tablets and religious curios, musical instruments, priests’ garments, and all the stock in trade of Chinese idolatry, as well as models of implements of agriculture and weapons of war. (Mackay 1896:288)
![]() 馬偕博士收藏之原住民文物(真理大學校史館典藏) |