
George Leslie Mackay

1844 – 1901

馬偕牧師(George Leslie Mackay),是加拿大長老教會派到台灣的首任宣教師,也是十九世紀台灣門戶打開以後,長期在臺灣活動的西方人中,台灣人最熟悉、也影響最大的人之一。1871年他抵達臺灣時僅27歲,1901年病逝於臺灣時57歲,人生精華的30年幾乎都在臺灣生活。當時臺灣人稱他為「黑鬚番」,現今馬偕醫院就是因為紀念他而命名。


Mackay was the first western missionary stationed in the northern part of Taiwan. He made numerous evangelical and medical trips in the area and became well-known for his dental works among Chinese and aborigine communities. Owing to his flowing black beard, Mackay was labeled as a “black-bearded barbarian” by the Taiwanese.