The ROM stored 311 sets, around 500 pieces of MacKay’s collections, mostly from his missionary trips and donations from the worshipers. The regions where he preached and established churches were mainly inhabited by aboriginal tribes. More than 2/3 of his collections are also aboriginal cultural objects. The richest and most tremendous parts of his collections are from the Kavalan tribes, a total of about 50 pieces. Most of these 50 pieces, such as the whole set of Kavalan bride wedding gowns, are rarely seen in Taiwan now. An analysis of the ethnic group origins of these collections can reflect the interaction and relationship between MacKay and these ethnic groups.
現今族群名稱 Current Classifications of Ethnic Grous |
馬偕族群分類 Mackay’s Classification |
藏品數量 Number of Artifacts |
噶瑪蘭族 Kavalan |
平埔番 Pe-po-hoan | 40 |
平埔族群(道卡斯、巴窄或西拉雅等) Pingpu Groups (Taokas, Pazeh, Siraya) |
熟番 Sek-hoan |
9 |
泰雅(賽德克)族或賽夏族 Atayal or Saisiyat |
生番 Chhi-hoan |
62 |
鄒族或布農族 Zhou or Bunun |
生番 Chhi-hoan |
2 |
阿美族(南勢群) Amis |
南勢番 Lam-si-hoan | 15 |
其他臺灣原住民族 Other Taiwan Indigenous Group |
33 | |
漢 Han-Chinese |
漢 Chinese |
120 |
其他 Others |
6 |
Most of Mackay’s collections related to Taiwanese aborigines are from the Atayal and the Saisiyat tribes in the northern mountain areas, and the most valuable and rarest objects are from the Kavalan. There are also some Han Chinese god statues and some objects whose sources are unknown.