馬偕偕採集的珍貴臺灣文物藏品,在他1893年第二次返國時,大部份被帶回加拿大,做為向加拿大教區民眾呈現台灣印象的主要物證。1894年4月,馬偕將這些臺灣藏品捐贈給多倫多的「諾克斯學院博物館」(Knox College Museum)。
1905年「諾克斯學院」(Knox College)因為與多倫多大學整併而遷移,這一批珍貴的馬偕藏品當時輾轉移交給現今位於多倫多市的皇家安大略博物館(Royal Ontario Museum,ROM)保存。現今310多組/件馬偕130年前採集的臺灣文物仍保存在加拿大多倫多皇家安大略博物館(ROM)。
Most of Mackay’s precious collections of Taiwanese cultural objects were brought back to Canada during his second furlough in 1893 to show the people in his Canadian church district his impressions of Taiwan. In April 1894, MacKay donated these Taiwanese collections to Knox College Museum in Toronto.
In 1905, Knox College relocated and merged with the University of Toronto. Accordingly, MacKay’s valuable collections were transferred to and preserved at the Royal Ontario Museum, ROM, currently located in Toronto. Taiwanese cultural objects totaling more than 310 sets collected 130 years ago are still preserved today at the ROM in Canada.