
Clothes and Textiles

Kavalan Bridal Wedding Dresses

有袖織花繡飾長衣 / Woven Long Garment with Sleeves


這是宜蘭平原噶瑪蘭婦女盛裝時時穿著的華麗外衣(ROM col. # 915.3.38),是白麻底織花的無領有袖長衣,外接二隻素色深藍棉布筒袖,衣下擺也加縫一圈素色深藍棉布塊,布邊有淺色棉布滾邊。長衣主體是水平背帶織布織布機織出的白底紅、藍、淺藍平行條狀排列的花紋。長衣上半部正、反面皆繡有細緻的雲雷紋、壽字紋、王字紋、以及形式化的鳥獸紋等。


This colorful long garment with dark blue sleeves was worn by the Kavalan women during rituals. It is made of woven ramie cloth and decorated with laid-in design in horizontal bands with red and blue geometric motifs. The upper part of the garment is embroidered with animals, cloud motifs, and Chinese characters as decorations.



有袖織繡長衣 / Long Upper Garment with Sleeves
ROM col. # 915.3.38