
Clothes and Textiles

The Kavalan Weaving Craft





Kavalan women popularly used the horizontal back-strap loom to weave beautiful textiles and to produce clothes. In the historical documents of the Qing dynasty, many records mentioned that the Kavalan people in the Yi-lan Plain had extraordinary weaving skills. They wove beautiful textiles not only from ramie and wool threads like other indigenous groups, but also wove special banana fiber textiles.


Following the invasion of the Han Chinese settlers in the Yi-lan Plain in the late 18th century, the Kavalan people lost their lands and traditional way of living under strong pressures. Many Kavalan people changed their clothing to Chinese cotton costumes by the late 19th century. Thus, the traditional weaving crafts have been gradually forgotten and lost. From the collected weaving materials and the photo illustrating a weaving woman (published by Rev. G. L. Mackay in the 19th century), we can imagine the traditional way of Kavalan weaving in the Yi-lan Plain. Furthermore, from the Kavalan weaving materials collected by Prof. Erin Asaii in the Hua-lien Kalewan village and preserved in the American Museum of Natural History, we can see the changes of the Kavalan loom and weaving patterns in the early 20th century after migration to Hua-lien.


平埔族織布婦女 (馬偕1896)
A Peopo weaver (Mackay 1896)

噶瑪蘭新娘盛裝復原圖 (胡家瑜2015)
An illustration of the Kavalan bride in ritual dressing (Chia-yu Hu 2015)