
Clothes and Textiles

Kavalan Bridal Wedding Dresses

瑪瑙珠串頭飾 / Headdress of Carnelian Beads


這是宜蘭平原部落原住民婚禮時新娘使用的華麗串珠頭飾(ROM col. # 915.3.265),物件呈高聳冠型,主要由15串紅色管柱狀瑪瑙珠並連而成。珠串中間以三支細長木條和四支骨板隔成六區,總計使用270顆瑪瑙珠。木條頂端雕有一個高帽人形木雕,配戴時木條面向中央,左右二側各有一支;骨板上則刻有菱形紋、邊緣有直線與交叉紋。珠冠下緣接縫一條紅、黃、綠三色小玻璃串三角紋飾帶;玻璃珠飾帶底端垂有玻璃珠和瑪瑙珠飾。珠冠戴時在腦後綁結固定,綁結處二端皆有骨板和綠玻璃珠收邊裝飾。


This colorful headdress is a special ritual ornament worn by the Kavalan bride in the Yi-lan Plain. The main part of this crown-style headdress is made of 15 horizontal rows of carnelian beads, comprising a total of 270 pieces of faceted carnelian beads. The threaded carnelian beads are divided into six regions by seven vertical sticks. Four of the sticks are bone sticks with incised geometric patterns, whereas three are wooden sticks topped with carved human face and high cap. Fringes made of threaded glass beads in red, yellow, blue, white, and brown colors are found at the bottom.



瑪瑙珠串頭飾 Headdress of Carnelian Beads
ROM col. # 915.3.265