
Clothes and Textiles

The Kavalan Weaving Craft

噶瑪蘭織紋的當代再現 / Revival of Kavalan weaving Craft




In 2002, the Kavalan has been formally recognized as the 11th indigenous group in Taiwan. At present, the Kavalan descendants are eagerly exerting efforts to revive their language and cultural traditions. Reviving the weaving craft is one of the major concerns because it represents their distinctive cultural characteristics. To revitalize the banana fiber making and weaving skills, as well as to study and reproduce traditional weaving patterns, the Lalaban Banana Fiber Craft Studio has been established at Lalaban village in the Hua-lien County. The Kavalan weavers in the Lalaban Craft Studio have reproduced and recreated beautiful woven textiles based on the rare traditional Kavalan woven textiles collected and preserved in the museums. The local agencies that are being derived from weaving not only recall the cultural memories of the past but also build linkages with the present and create possibilities for the future.


1930年代淺井慧倫採集的花蓮噶瑪蘭織布花紋樣(AMNH # 70.2/474)
Hua-lien Kavalan weaving patterns in the 1930s
1880年代馬偕採集的宜蘭噶瑪蘭新娘裙織布紋樣(ROM # 915.3.39)
Weaving patterns on the Kavalan bridal skirt collected by Rev. Mackay in the 19th century

Lalaban weaving studio reproduced banana fiber woven cloth in 2015 based on the patterns on the Kavalan textile collected by Prof. Asii in 1930s
Lalaban weaving studio reproduced cotton woven textile in 2015 based on the patterns on the Kavalan bridal skirt collected by Rev. Mackay

Banana fiber commodity made by the XinsheGavalan Studio and displayed in the 2014 exhibition

Hua-lien XinsheGavalan women wearing colorful reproduced costumes

Reproduced woven costumes made by the XinsheGavalan studio and displayed in the 2014 exhibition