綴珠垂鈴新娘腰裙是過去宜蘭平原噶瑪蘭新娘盛裝穿著的禮服(ROM col. # 915.3.34 & 39)。腰裙呈方布型,裙布由二塊布接縫合成,穿著時用二片裙布環繞腰間包圍下身綁繫腰帶。腰裙上半為白或淺藍色棉布,下半縫接織花布塊。織布塊以紅藍白三色挑織形成密佈的幾何紋樣;上端一條深藍紋飾區是橫隔整匹布塊的中線;下端為紅藍白交織紋樣。織紋結構主要以垂直與水平相間為基本原則,藍色垂直線條,等距間隔菱形、曲線、交叉、米字等組合紋樣。裙布下擺縫飾二條珠飾藍布條,布條上密佈黃橘藍色小玻璃珠。裙下擺邊緣飾布條垂飾整排玻璃珠串連的小銅鈴。腰裙穿著時由二塊裙布圍合而成。
This colorful woven cloth is a piece of loin cloth used by the Kavalan bride. The upper section is a piece of plain light blue or white ramie cloth. The lower section is an attached band in geometric weft patterned bands in blue and red wool and white ramie. Two glass beaded appliquéd bands in yellow, orange, and blue are seen at the lower edge. Fringes of glass beads and metal bells are attached to the lower hem. The Kavalan bride typically wore two pieces of loin cloths to cover the lower body.
綴珠垂鈴新娘腰裙 / Bride′s Skirt with Beads and Bells ROM col. # 915.3.34 & 39 |